• Hackers Hack People.

    We Secure People.

    Schedule a free 15 minute consultation and learn how we can transform your people into cyber security defenders.

  • Our Philosophy

    Secure systems need secure humans.

    Founding partners Holly and Sarah have spent nearly two decades immersed in the nebulous edges of the world's most challenging systems and people. From active conflict zones to authoritarian regimes to political campaigns, they have designed solutions to keep people safer in dynamic threat environments where there was no precedence and no answers. Their deeply grounded, battle tested approaches to security and safety combine empathy, psychology, technical expertise, and deft organizational management skills to create lasting shifts in communication cultures that are safer, more resilient, and sustainable.


    Today, the majority of cyber attacks focus on human engineering rather than network vulnerabilities. Our adversaries know how to exploit our human tendencies. We work fast and on the go, trust that people are who they seem to be, and we wanting to be helpful and will say and click on things we shouldn't. Hackers manipulate nice people. The answer to this sort of manipulation isn’t more technology, but rather arming our workforce with the know-how and instincts to keep your business up and running. In this game of cat and mouse between us and the hackers after our information, we bridge the space between HR and IT -- humans and technology -- to help everyone understand the threats you face and to become your business' first and best line of defense against cyber threats.


    Blue Pine Strategies specializes in creating teams of people that are resilient to socially engineered attacks. Our work enhances the effectiveness of traditional, often technical, cyber security measures by ensuring that the people who have access to your network, systems, and data can keep them secure. Through easy conversation, exercises, game play and simulation, our talented team will guide you through the complex landscape of threats and bring you to a place of clarity and focus to create and deepen your team's digital security culture. We’ve worked with teams large and small, from tech companies in the southern US to networks of human rights defenders in the former Soviet States. Blue Pine Strategies includes an expert team of psychologists, cyber security analysts, and digital security specialists to provide your team with holistic support.

  • Contact Us

    Ask us all the questions.

  • Blog

    People, technology, and the space in-between.

    July 9, 2019 · cyber security,digital security,privacy,culture change
    I was sitting at the Genius Bar last week in lovely Monterey, CA waiting for a technician to come by and check out my Mac. If you’ve ever lost the backlight in your screen, it’s really a challenging problem. Confession. I tried wearing my son’s dino themed headlamp to light up the screen and when...
    June 2, 2019 · cyber security,corporate culture,culture change,digital security,people security
    Companies usually call me in the uh-oh moments of a cyber security problem. They know they shoulda, coulda, and probably woulda taken care of those problems, but...it’s not until there’s a hack, a leak, or an audit that said whoa, better fix this! that they reach out. Most often when I talk to...
  • Leadership

    Global experience, personal attention.

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    Sarah A. Lange

    Co-Founder & CEO

    Sarah Lange is a global security expert specializing in solving the human challenges in the cyber world. Her pioneering research into how people learn digital security skills and internalize safer communication behaviors drives effective habit transformation for corporations, global organizations, and human networks worldwide. Sarah has deep experience implementing data-driven security solutions to protect people, financial assets, and intellectual property in the world’s most hostile environments. Her expertise includes a passion for building games, simulations and transformative learning experiences for clients seeking lasting change in their security cultures. If she’s not hiking or exploring with her husband and three young boys, you’ll find her on a kayak with the wind and the waves.

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    Holly Davis

    Co-Founder & COO

    Holly Davis is an internationally recognized organizational change expert. She builds implementable processes and systems to increase security and organizational effectiveness in even the most dynamic environments from global corporations to political campaigns. Holly has spent more than a decade successfully managing and understanding the dynamics of global teams, projects and the people that comprise them. She specializes in guiding partners out of the complex into clarity with ease, and provides clear and grounded trainings for even the most non-technical people. Holly recently moved to the Caribbean with her husband, and is enjoying exploring her new backyard with weekend trips and, closer to home, daily walks under the palm trees with her dog and new podcasts on rotation.

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